Final Portfolio / Self Evaluation

Final Portfolio Specs
On your Flickr Album page, create a collection of all the following projects from the semester. Organize albums listed for your section, below. These are the minimum requirements. Extra work is allowed and encouraged (place into separate album and label accordingly).

AVC 142
-Tech #1a-c: Camera Basics
-Tech #2a-c: Compositional Basics
-Project 1: Working w/ Available Light
-Project 2: Portraiture
-Project 3: Mini Series
-Final Project: Final / Choice

Self Evaluation
As part of the final project, each student is required to include an evaluation of themselves in regard to what letter grade they believe they should receive along with support for why they should receive that letter grade.  Failing to do an evaluation is an automatic letter grade drop from the final project.

-refer to syllabus for a description of each letter grade
-1 page, typed, double-spaced 12-point font
-you may turn in a hard copy or email a copy of your evaluation by December 8th.



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